NGS Silver Jubilee Memoirs is now downloadable!

Nepal Geotechnical Society has come up with its first ever publication in printed hard copy form of a book on the memorial and auspicious occasion of Silver Jubilee on 18 May 2019. The book is a compilation and combination of a few write ups in the field of geotechnical engineering, abstracts of the papers presented in the NGS national symposium held on 19 November 2018, congratulatory messages from minister for physical infrastructure and transport Honorable Raghubir Mahaseth, various professional organizations, and international friends and well-wishers, and the messages from organizers.

Publication of any level of material quality and size is always important for recording the activities of an organization, particularly of a scientific and professional society. From now onwards, Nepal Geotechnical Society plans to regularize its publications and in this effort, the society appeals to its members, friends, and well-wishers for submission of any kinds of articles in the fields of civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, development issues, disaster-related issues, geosciences, and so on. Details on article submission procedure will be informed of later.

[button link=”” icon=”download” window=”yes”]Download[/button]the PDF version (120MB) of the Silver Jubilee Memoirs.

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