Formation of the 7th Executive Committee of NGS

Dear Members of Nepal Geotechnical Society:

On behalf of the 6th Executive Committee, I am extremely pleased to inform you all that we have recently come up with a new team of executive committee in Nepal Geotechnical Society in the leadership of Dr. Mandip Subedi as the society President of the 7th executive committee. I extend mine as well as all our congratulations to all the elected officials of the 7th Executive Committee of Nepal Geotechnical Society. I am sure this moment again signifies a new chapter in our society’s journey towards advancing the field of geotechnical engineering in Nepal.

After a diligent nomination and election process, I am pleased to introduce the new executive officials who were elected through the recent AGM of the society to serve in the 7th Executive Committee of the society as follows.

President: Dr. Mandip Subedi
Vice President: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indra Prasad Acharya
Er. Prabhat Kumar Jha

Er. Mandakini Karki
General Secretary: Er. Udaya Raj Neupane
Joint Secretary: Er. Darshan Babu Adhikari
Er. Ujjwal Niraula
Treasurer: Er. Rajan KC
Executive Member: Er. Jibendra Misra
Dr. Pradeep Pokhrel
Er. Kamal Prasad Regmi

Er. Suvarna Singh Raut
Er. Prashanta Poudel

Er. Madan Puri
Youth Coordinator: Er. Saroj Prasad Adhikari

I on behalf of the 6th Executive Committee officials again congratulate all office holders of the 7th Executive Committee on their election, and also express our sincere gratitude for accepting the responsibility to lead this society. Your dedication, expertise, and passion for the field of geotechnical engineering will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and prosperity of Nepal Geotechnical Society.

I would also like to extend all our sincere appreciation to all the members who actively participated in the nomination and election process. Your engagement and support have been invaluable in shaping the future of this society.

I and my colleagues in the 6th Executive Committee invite all our members to extend your wholehearted support and cooperation to the newly formed Executive Committee. By working together, we can achieve remarkable advancements and establish Nepal as a frontrunner, at least among the developing nations, in the field of geotechnical engineering.

Last but never the least, I and my 6th Executive Committee colleagues would also like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the members of this society for supporting us during the last five years’ time. Thanks very much!

With my warm regards,
Netra Prakash Bhandary
President, the 6th Executive Committee
Nepal Geotechnical Society

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