NGS Holds Inaugural Lecture Program for 2023-2025

Nepal Geotechnical Society (NGS) successfully conducted its inaugural lecture program for the years 2023-2025, under the renowned ‘NGS Lecture Series’. The event focused on the theme of “Importance of Geohazard Investigation for Infrastructure Resilience in the Nepal Himalayas”. The program witnessed an impressive turnout, with more than 80 NGS members, engineers, and geoscientist participants in attendance.

The lecture was delivered by esteemed speaker, Dr. Basanta Raj Adhikari, Director, Centre for Disaster Studies, IoE, Tribhuvan University, and Program Coordinator, MSc. in Disaster Risk Management at Pulchowk Campus. Dr. Adhikari’s insightful presentation shed light on the significance of geohazard investigation in ensuring the resilience of infrastructure in the challenging terrain of the Nepal Himalayas.

The lecture program took place on July 23, 2023, Sunday, at the ICTC Hall, Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur. The event was chaired by A/Prof. Dr. Indra Prasad Acharya and hosted by Er. Udaya Raj Neupane.

Following the lecture program, NGS President, Dr. Mandip Subedi, extended his heartfelt appreciation and congratulations to A/Prof. Dr. Ranjan Kumar Dahal for being appointed as the Vice President of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG).

Additionally, A/Prof. Dr. Indra Prasad Acharya took the opportunity to acknowledge Dr. Basanta Raj Adhikari for his recent appointment as the Director of the Centre for Disaster Studies (CDS), TU.

The event proved to be a remarkable platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and recognizing outstanding contributions in the field of geoscience and disaster management. The Nepal Geotechnical Society extends its gratitude to all the participants and esteemed speakers for making the program a resounding success.

Photo highlights of the program are attached. The PDF and recorded video of the presentation will be uploaded soon.

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