NGS Hosts Lecture Program on Experience Sharing in Padma Bridge Construction

Nepal Geotechnical Society (NGS) successfully conducted a 2nd lecture program for 2023-2025 under the ‘NGS Lecture Series.’ The program, which took place on October 1, 2023, at the Sagarmatha Hall, Universal Engineering and Science College, Lalitpur, was dedicated to sharing experiences in the construction of large infrastructure, with a special focus on the renowned Padma Bridge in Bangladesh.

The event was a resounding success, with more than 70 attendees, including NGS members, engineers, geoscientists, and students. The NGS collaborated with the AIT Alumni Association Nepal to jointly organize the program, reinforcing their commitment to promoting knowledge sharing and professional development.

The lecture, titled “Experience Sharing in the Construction of Large Infrastructure: A Case of Padma Bridge, Bangladesh,” was presented by Dr. Hem Nath Ghimire, a distinguished Senior Geotechnical Engineer with approximately three decades of experience in mining and geotechnical engineering across various Asian countries.

About Project:

The Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project (PMDP) is the largest project in the history of Bangladesh. This USD 3.5 Billion project (2.4 Billion for main Bridge and 1.1 Billion for River Training Works), which is managed by internal budget of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), is expected to uplift 1.23% growth in the national GDP. The bridge over the Padma River joins the south west region of the country to Dhaka and other northers parts and plays a major role in reducing the cost and time of transportation with in these major parts of the country separated by the mighty Padma River.
The 6.25km long double deck bridge comprises of two transition piers and 4o river piers with span length 1som. Among the 40 river piers, 18 piers consist of six racking piles in hexagonal configuration (each pile being 3 meter dia and up to 125m long). Remaining 22 piers consist of six racking piles as above with one additional vertical piles at the center (all the piles in n of these 22 piers were “Skin Grouted” to substantially increase the capacity). This project establishes four super scale world records, three first time in the world and seven first time in Bangladesh.

Dr. Ghimire’s presentation provided invaluable insights into the complexities and challenges faced during the construction of the Padma Bridge, offering a unique perspective on large infrastructure projects. His wealth of experience and knowledge was well-received by the enthusiastic audience.

The event’s distinguished panel included Dr. Chandika Prasad Bhatta, President of the AIT Alumni Association, who chaired the program, and Dr. Mandip Subedi, President of the NGS, who served as the host. Er. Tuk Lal Adhikari, Past President of NGS, delivered the final concluding remarks, summarizing the key takeaways from the lecture.

The program was made possible through the generous support of Universal Engineering and Science College (UESC), Lalitpur, who provided the venue and resources necessary for the event’s success.

The program not only served as an educational platform but also as an opportunity for networking and acknowledging outstanding contributions in the field of large infrastructure and bridge engineering. Participants engaged in lively discussions and exchange of ideas, further enriching their understanding of the subject matter.

The NGS expressed its heartfelt gratitude to all participants, esteemed speakers, UESC, and AIT Alumni for their invaluable contributions to making the program a remarkable success.

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