We the members, of the Nepal Geotechnical Society, in the pursuit of establishing a progressive national cooperation, enhancing exchange of information on research and developments in Geotechnical Engineering and committing ourselves to the welfare of Nepal and human society, do hereby promulgate this Constitution and By-laws.

Article I – THE NAME
The organization shall be called the Nepal Geotechnical Society (NGS), hereinafter referred to as the Society.

The Society was proposed by the founding members of the proposed society to the Kathmandu District Office of the H. M. Govt. of Nepal for official approval. Name of those founding members is listed as an Appendix at the end of this document. The society was finally approved/registered on May 18, 1994 at the aforesaid District office of HMG/Nepal.

Section 1 Main Objectives

  1. To encourage the development of cooperation in Geotechnical Engineering(Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rock Mechanics, Mining Engineering, Engineering Geology and other affiliated fields) among the Nepali Professionals working within the homeland and abroad through the sharing of expertise and data.
  2. To help develop a more through understanding of the Science as well as the art of Geotechnical Engineering with members of the Society virtually in the development of the homeland Nepal.
  3. To fulfill the role of Geotechnical Engineering as an endeavor concerned with human welfare (Social as well as Economic Development of the Country, Nepal).
  4. To improve the Geotechnical Professionals’ capability and knowledge in specific fields/branches, the Society will encourage the specific areas and aims to create an environments for maximum interaction and cooperation. To fulfill this objective, the Society will be sub-headed into different specific branches based on requirements. Local chapters of different international societies related to geotechnical engineering will be established in Nepal.

Section 2 Specific Objectives

  1. To ensure the fullest utilization of the data derived from members and different agencies through the encouragement of research into:
    i) Updating the guidelines and codes for the design/construction of Geotechnical Engineering Structures.
    ii) Optimization of cost and time by insuring the safety of the system.
  2. To encourage the field studies and its comparison with the predicted response of the system. And use of the field study data and experience to other similar systems. Based on the requirements, the Society aims to conduct some training/seminars on Geotechnical Engineering based topics.
  3. To encourage the exchange of reports on research and developments in Geotechnical Engineering through the holding of annual meetings and the publication of a Bulletin/Proceedings as well as technical journals.
  4. To act as an agent for the solicitation and receipt of funds or other forms of aid in support of its aims.
  5. To foster cooperation with international and national organizations of Geotechnical Engineering (and its branches) in other parts of the world.


  1. Any person with a valid certificate of Bachelor of Engineering or equivalent or higher degree in Geotechnical Field or its branches(to be decided by the general assembly meeting) can obtain the General Membership of the Society after paying the membership fee provided all the necessary documents asked in the membership application forms are submitted along with the completed application form.
  2. The membership is divided into two grades: a. Individual Member and b. Fellow. The clause (1) of Article IV satisfies the requirement for nomination to the Individual Member grade and nomination to Fellow Grade requires the age of candidate should at least be 40 years and worked in geotechnical engineering field or related fields for at least continuously last 10 years as a responsible engineer, in addition to Clause (1) of Article IV.
  3. Any member failed to pay the membership renewal fee by July 15th (end of Nepali fiscal year) each year will be terminated with effective from the following day (Shrawan 1 according to Nepali Calendar).
  4. With reference to the clause (3) of Article IV, the membership can be continued by paying annual fee including the dues of the previous year(s) or a fresh application is required.
  5. The Life Membership will be issued to any Individual Member or Fellow if the Member/ Fellow pays the annual fees for coming 10 years as an advance.
  6. Life membership may be given to the person who has done special contribution for the development of the Geotechnical Engineering or any important contribution to human society in any field.
  7. All the Ex-Presidents and the Ex-Secretary Generals of the Society will automatically be nominated to the Life Member/Fellow grade corresponding to their current grade.
  8. Any engineering firm e.g. contractors, consultants, firms related with Geotechnical Engineering products or equivalent agencies can get institutional membership by paying the institutional membership fee as decided by the Executive Committee. The fee should be approved/renewed in the annual meetings of the Society.


Rights and Privileges of Members:

  1. Every members shall have full deliberative and voting rights on all the matters concerning the Society.
  2. Every member shall have access to the documents of the Society which include official acts, decisions, transactions, accounting of funds, and minutes of the meetings.
  3. The candidates for the President, Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General of the Society must be continuous member of the Society for a period of not less than 7 years.
  4. The candidates for the remaining officers of the Executive Committee can be any member with at least three years membership of the Society.
  5. The candidates for the observer in the Executive Committee can be any member of the society with at least one year membership.
  6. The clauses 3, 4 and 5 of the Article V may not apply to the founding Executive Committee.


Section 1 The Officers

  1. The Society shall have a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary General, Treasurer and Executive Committee Members duly elected by General Meeting of the Society.
  2. The executive committee can appoint observers up to five numbers.

Section 2 The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the E. C. Members, a Secretary General, Vice-Presidents to be headed by President. It shall have general supervision and control of the projects and affairs of the Society.

Section 3 Meetings

The General Meetings of the Society shall be held annually, if possible on the fourth week of the October.


The Society shall have its principal office at the office of the incumbent President of the Society.


Section 1 Elections

  1. Officers of the Society shall be elected by a majority vote of one-half plus one(1) of total number of votes cast.
  2. Election of officers shall be held at the annual meetings of the Society. Every nominations shall be supported by 2 additional supporters who are currently the members of the society.

Section 2 Terms of Office

  1. The Officers of the Society shall have a term of office ending at the close of the meeting where a set of new officers have been elected.
  2. Any officers may be re-elected into office but may not hold the same position for more than two (2) consecutive terms.


Section 1 The President

  1. Shall preside at regular and special meetings of the Executive Committee; decide all questions of order; sign all resolutions and communications for, and in the name of the Society; and perform such other duties as the Executive Committee may authorize.
  2. Shall be the official Spokesman and representative of the Society.
  3. Shall not involve or show any biasness, as president of the society, towards any political parties or political affairs. Shall stop/avoid any discussions on the political topics in the Society meeting or day to day affairs.

Section 2 Vice-President

There will be one Vice-President for national affairs and the other Vice-President for international affairs.

  1. Shall assist the President in the implementation of the letter’s functions.
  2. Shall assume the President’s responsibilities and obligations whenever the President becomes unable or ineligible to carry out the functions of his/her office for any cause.
  3. Shall follow the Clause c of Section 1 of this Article.

Section 3 The Secretary General

  1. Shall keep a complete written record of the minutes of the meetings and shall prepare the official letters to be signed by the President.
  2. Shall take charge of keeping and safeguarding the documents and records of the Society.
  3. Shall handle the communications within the Society, including the publication of the NGS News Bulletin.
  4. Shall follow the Clause (c) of Section 1 of this Article.

Section 4 The Treasurer

  1. Shall take custody of the funds of the Society and shall handle the business transactions of the Society duly approved by the Executive Committee.
  2. Shall follow the Clause c of Section 1 of this Article.

Section 5 The Members

  1. Shall attend the meetings of the Executive Committee and give some suggestions. Shall help Officers in case of requirement in their normal functions.
  2. Shall follow the Clause (c) of Section 1 of this Article.


Officers that are vacated before the end of the terms of office shall be appointive, except that of the President which shall be automatically assumed by the Vice-President until the next regular elections of officers.


Any provision of this Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of one-half plus one of the total number of votes cast. To make better participation from the majority of the society members, secret ballet shall be mailed to the every member’s mailing address with certain deadline date, and the votes received within the deadline date will be counted as the number of votes cast.

Signed on behalf of the members:

(Dr. Gyaneswor Pokharel)
Founding Member
Nepal Geotechnical Society
JA-2-316, NayaBazar
Kathmandu 3

Founding Members

  • Dr. G. Pokharel
  • Er. L. Sunuwar
  • Er. N. Thapa
  • Er. P.S.Dhakal
  • Er. P. Pokharels
  • Er. S. K. Prashai

Copy Right Notice:

[The constitution and by-laws is an english translation of the registered original version written in Nepali Language. Any Contradictory with Nepali, the version written in Nepali should be followed. Copying, storing or transfering of this in any form and for any purpose is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the NGS. Written consent may be obtained from Secretary General, Nepal Geotechnical Society, JA-2-316, Kathmandu 3, Nepal). The per copy fee should be paid to the Society.]