Corporate Support (Membership)

With sincere appreciations and a great honor, Nepal Geotechnical Society and all its members acknowledge the generous financial support received on various occasions from our following corporate members for our activities and organizational development.

1. Platinum Corporate Support

Corporate Member NameCompany LogoCompany ProfilePlatinum Status Since
Terre ArmeeCompany ProfileMay 2019
New Technical Water Proofing
Service & Rehabilitation Pvt. Ltd
Company ProfileNovember 2018
GS ConsortiumAbout the ConsortiumNovember 2018
Geotech & Associates(Not available)(Not available)November 2018
Clay Engineering
(Geotechnical Engineering Consultancy)
About usNovember 2018

2. Gold Corporate Support

Corporate Member NameCompany LogoCompany ProfileGold Status Since

3. General Corporate Support

Corporate Member NameCompany LogoCompany ProfileGeneral Status Since

All society members truly appreciate the corporate support. Thank you!

What is Corporate Support?


After its establishment in 1994, Nepal Geotechnical Society (NGS) has been involved in various activities for the purpose of geotechnical engineering-related knowledge sharing among the society members. It has successfully organized several national and international meetings, but all these activities always involve heavy monetary expenses, and sometimes beyond the society capability. Collecting registration/participation fee is one option for meeting these expenses, but to make it obligatorily payable by each participant/member, the society must go extremely professional, which at this moment is still quite difficult. At this stage, the society heavily lacks financial resources to meet all these expenses, and the lack of financial resources has resulted in less frequent and limited activities. To broaden as well as to professionalize NGS activities, the current Executive Committee has proposed and passed a strategic plan to generate fund for all these activities through revised and strengthened ‘Corporate Support (Membership)’ plan.


The main objectives of revising the ‘Corporate Support (Membership)’ plan are as follows.

  1. To provide greater flexibility to an executive committee in utilizing the generated fund in mass meetings including national and international conferences/seminars/symposiums.
  2. To give rise to programs and activities in various parts of Nepal as and when necessary.
  3. To establish regular award system, honoring system, and tokens of appreciation during NGS day celebration on 18 July every year.
  4. To partially cover the financial need of NGS members recommended for participating in international conferences abroad.

Terms of Reference

  • Membership Eligibility

    1. Any organization in Nepal or abroad working in the field of civil engineering or geotechnical engineering and geo-sciences will be eligible for the membership.
    2. For the purpose of maintaining official record, the membership will have to be obtained through a properly written application form as provided by the society.
    3. The society Executive Committee will have all rights to accept/reject/cancel the membership.
  • Membership Fee
    1. First time payment amount for this membership category will be NRs. 20,000, which includes first time registration fee and one year membership fee. From the following year, NRs. 10,000 will have to be paid as membership renew fee.
    2. The membership criteria will be based on the following tiers:

General Corporate Support (Membership):    NRs. 20,000 or below NRs. 50,000
Gold Corporate Support (Membership):         NRs. 50,000 or below NRs, 100,000
Platinum Corporate Support (Membership):   NRs. 100,000 or above

    • A ‘General Corporate Support’ may go up to ‘Gold Corporate Support’ status when the total paid amount sums up to NRs. 50,000, or to a ‘Platinum Corporate Support’ when the total paid amount sums up to NRs. 100,000. The annual payment (i.e., membership renewal fee) may not necessarily be paid in installments of 10,000 every year, but the status of ‘Gold Corporate Support’ or ‘Platinum Corporate Support’ may be achieved by paying the designated amount at any time.
    • Even after achieving the status of ‘Platinum Corporate Support,’ the member organization will have to continue the annual payment of NRs. 10,000 as membership renewal fee.
  • Honor to the Supporters
    1. All supporters will be honored by listing their names and organizations in the NGS website for ever and will be published in the NGS Bulletin with due appreciation.
    2. As stated above, there will be three categories of support: A) General Corporate Support, B) Gold Corporate Support, and C) Platinum Corporate Support. All categories of support are entitled to an honor and appreciation by Nepal Geotechnical Society though an ordinary, gold-lettered, and platinum-lettered certificates, respectively.
    3. A ‘Gold Corporate Support’ status holder will also be entitled to an Honorary Advisor’s position for three years, and a ‘Platinum Corporate Support’ status holder will be entitled to an Honorary Advisor’s position for lifetime. All status holders will be listed in the NGS homepage forever.
    4. The Gold and Platinum Certificates and the Honorary Advisor’s position certificates will be handed over to the Gold and Platinum Corporate Support status holders, respectively on the NGS Day.

This TOR will be applicable from 1 April 2019.

Prepared by: NGS Executive Committee (2018-2020)
Endorsed by: NGS Executive Meeting on 11 March 2019 (Lalitpur)