NGS Award Information (Terms of Reference)

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Commemorating the day of its first registration with the government of Nepal on 18 May 1994, Nepal Geotechnical Society will celebrate the eighteenth day of May as NGS Day, and during the celebration, various awards will be presented to those NGS members who are recommended by an Awards and Honors Committee on the basis of application call and selection criteria set by the committee.


Recognition of the work done by any individual, group or organization is a good way to bring the activities of any organization up to a greater interest of all involved. As a scientific society, Nepal Geotechnical Society aims to recognize the activities of its brilliant individual members as well as the corporate members through evaluation of application material submitted and activities done and by awarding a certificate and a token of recognition.

Award Categories

Beginning from the Silver Jubilee Celebration Day (18 May 2019), the following NGS awards have been presented to individual and corporate members of Nepal Geotechnical Society.

Lifetime Achievement Award (Apply here)

This award is targeted to individual senior members of the Nepal Geotechnical Society, who have been affiliated with the society for more than 15 years, and have not only heavily contributed to society development through lifelong activities, involvements, and achievements, but have also taken leadership in contributing to development of nation as well as human society through professional, research, and/or educational endeavors.

For this award, eligible candidates from within the society may fill out an award nomination/ recommendation/application form and send it to the Award Selection Committee within the set deadline.

The application eligibility are: a candidate must 1) be a member of Nepal Geotechnical Society, 2) have been a member of the society for 15 years or more, 3) have actively served the society such as being in the executive committee or in any working committees, and 4) have a good record of professional, research, and/or educational achievements.

The award selection criteria include the following:

  • At a time, minimum one and maximum three candidates will be selected for this award.
  • The Award Selection Committee will have the sole authority to make any decision/s on the name/s of the awardee/s based on the submitted information.
  • All members of the Award Selection Committee must agree on the proposed awardee name/s.

Promising Young Researcher Award (Apply here)

This award is targeted to individual young members of Nepal Geotechnical Society, who are below 40 years of age and are actively involved in research work in geotechnical engineering- and/or geoscience-related fields. Eligible candidates may fill out an award nomination/recommendation/ application form and send it to the Award Selection Committee within the set deadline.

 The application eligibility are: a candidate must 1) be a member of Nepal Geotechnical Society, 2) have a good record of research achievements in terms of published papers and international conference presentations.

The award selection criteria include the following:

  • At a time, minimum one and maximum two candidates will be selected for this award.
  • The Award Selection Committee will have the sole authority to make any decision/s on the name/s of the awardee/s based on the submitted information and research record.
  • All members of the Award Selection Committee must agree on the proposed awardee name/s.

Geotechnical Contribution Award (Apply here)

This award is targeted to all individual members of Nepal Geotechnical Society, who have heavily contributed in the field of geotechnical engineering through professional, research, and/or educational activities, and have been a member of Nepal Geotechnical Society for at least five years. Eligible candidates may fill out an award nomination/recommendation/ application form and send it to the Award Selection Committee within the set deadline.

The application eligibility are: a candidate must 1) be a member of Nepal Geotechnical Society, 2) have a good record of professional, research and/or educational achievements, 3) must not be a candidate of the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ at the same time.

The award selection criteria include the following:

  • At a time, minimum one and maximum two candidates will be selected for this award.
  • The Award Selection Committee will have the sole authority to make any decision/s on the name/s of the awardee/s based on the submitted information and research record.
  • All members of the Award Selection Committee must agree on the proposed awardee name/s.

Engineering Entrepreneur Award (Apply here)

This award is targeted to all individual members of Nepal Geotechnical Society, who have been running engineering business focusing on civil engineering-, geotechnical engineering- and/or geoscience-related works, and are currently in the company’s lead position. Eligible candidates may fill out an award nomination/recommendation/application form and send it to the Award Selection Committee within the set deadline.

The application eligibility are: a candidate must 1) be a member of Nepal Geotechnical Society for at least five years, 2) have a good record of professional and/or research work, 3) must not be a candidate of the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ and ‘Geotechnical Contribution Award’ at the same time.

The award selection criteria include the following:

  • At a time, only one candidate will be selected for this award.
  • The Award Selection Committee will have the sole authority to make any decision/s on the name/s of the awardee/s based on the submitted information and research record.
  • All members of the Award Selection Committee must agree on the proposed awardee name.

National Geotechnical Pride Award (Apply here)

This award is targeted to individual or corporate members of Nepal Geotechnical Society, who are involved in consulting and/or construction job/s in an infrastructure project of national pride, as identified by the government. Eligible candidates may fill out an award nomination/ recommendation/application form and send it to the Award Selection Committee within the set deadline.

The application eligibility are: a candidate must 1) be a member of Nepal Geotechnical Society, 2) be currently involved or have been involved in the past in a national pride project, 3) have worked in civil engineering-, geotechnical engineering-, and/or geoscience-related field/s

The award selection criteria include the following:

  • At a time, only one candidate will be selected for this award.
  • The Award Selection Committee will have the sole authority to make any decision/s on the name/s of the awardee/s based on the submitted information and research record.
  • All members of the Award Selection Committee must agree on the proposed awardee name.

Excellent Graduate Thesis Award (Apply here)

This award is targeted to young members of Nepal Geotechnical Society, who have just graduated in geotechnical engineering. Eligible candidates may fill out an award nomination/ recommendation/application form and send it to the Award Selection Committee within the set deadline.

The application eligibility are: a candidate must 1) be a student member of Nepal Geotechnical Society, 2) have completed his/her masters degree in geotechnical engineering.

The award selection criteria include the following:

  • At a time, only one candidate will be selected for this award.
  • The Award Selection Committee will have the sole authority to make any decision/s on the name/s of the awardee/s based on the submitted information and research record.
  • All members of the Award Selection Committee must agree on the proposed awardee name.

President’s Award

The President of Nepal Geotechnical Society will have a sole authority to pick a name or a few names (up to three) from among all the members of the society for this award. The award will be basically presented to a member (or a group of members) on the basis of President’s direct observation over the activities done by the member (or the group of members) in one year of the executive committee’s tenure.

Award Content

Each award will consist of 1) a Certificate of Award and 2) a Plaque.